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Our Farmer's Direct Model

Carbon del Sur’s Farmer’s Direct Model gives farmers direct access to the markets in which we operate, by allowing them to benefit from the sale of the product once it reaches the final consumer. At that moment, farmers receive a percentage of the sales, placing them up front of the supply chain and closer to the end consumer, where its product has the highest value. This aggregated value for the farmer makes a difference in his income, as well as in the communities they live.As we explore new markets, we succeed when the quality of our product improves and the value increases in the market. We encourage our farmers with incentives to produce a higher quality product, and support their efforts by providing them the training and tools they need for its production. Participating farmers receive industrial kilns at no additional cost for the exclusive production of Carbon del Sur. The kilns increase their capacity of production by 60%, thus increasing their income accordingly.

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How does the Carbon del Sur’s Farmer’s Direct Model work?

Farmers produce the charcoal according to the quality standards provided by Carbon del Sur. 

Farmers can produce the charcoal using kilns provided by Carbon del Sur for the exclusive production of our product. 

Farmers sell their charcoal to our company at a highly competitive price. The charcoal is later packaged with the Carbon del Sur brand. 

Carbon del Sur is distributed to the consumers through supermarket chains and independent stores in the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Caribbean.

The farmers receive a percentage based on of the sales of the product at the final point of sales.

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