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Why buy 100% natural lump charcoal if you are going to use starter fluid? Light your charcoal the natural way following the expert advice by our Master Grillers!Use a chimney starter or an electric starter A chimney starter is a metal cylinder with a charcoal grate mounted inside. 

Place several sheets of newspaper under the grate, and unlit charcoal into the top of the cylinder and over the grate. You may moist the paper with vegetable oil for more even results. The charcoal will be lit in 20 minutes and ready to dump on the grill.

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Keep the grate clean

  • •Once the charcoal starts to ash over, brush the grate with a clean wire brush.

  • Use a kitchen brush with vegetable oil and moist the grate.

  • •For a boost in flavor, use a fresh white onion cut in half and wipe the grate with it using a large fork.

Take your time…

•Allow 10-15 minutes with the charcoal lit to start your grilling. 

•This will allow you to prepare the grate and for the charcoal to come to the right temperature and produce the great aroma and taste Carbon del Sur is known for.
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